is a subsidiary of SOUMISSIONASSURANCEVIE.CA INC., recognized by the l’Autorité des marchés financiers (licence 118983).
In constant evolution since 2001, the team has integrated tools that allows them to be up to date with all of the best rates available from banks, Desjardins and every other financial institutions that offers group insurance. Thanks to our large business volume, we are a step above our competition.
Obligation of loyalty.
All of our customer service representative have their licence from the Chambre De La Sécurité Financière et de l’Autorité Des Marchés Financiers (the AMF). We are required to be honest, upstanding, competent and diligent.
Conflict of interest
We have ruled out any potential conflict of interest since we are not affiliated with any particular financial institution. This allows to give you the best quote available on the market for your group insurance. Because we do things right, we do not prioritize any financial institution in particular.
Group Insurance Is Our Specialty Since 2001
Group insurance premiums are‘s specialty. Much like the fact that we don’t shop for chicken in a fish market, shop for your group insurance with us. We are proud leaders for online group insurance policies and we offer programs for businesses with anywhere between 3 and 500 employees and all across Quebec.
Because we do things the right way, we do not endorse any specific mortgage insurance company. We refuse any type of bribery.
We will take care of you quickly and confidentially. We have up-to-date tools that gives us a step above the competition. Our customer service stands out above the rest… try and see it for yourself!
We have regional offices all across Quebec, New Brunswick and Ontario.
We are available to meet with employers and employees, 24 hours a day, to make sure to not lose any work time or encroach the employer’s time.
Feel free to contact our customer service representative by calling 1 866 370-7677 or by email at [email protected] to ask us any questions you may have.
Feel free to contact us by phone at 1 866 370 7677
or by sending us an email to
We'll gladly answer any questions you may have.
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